Transforming Solar Industry with Cutting Edge Technologies

Technology that guarantees Energy Independence, Reduces Electricity Costs and helps high Climate Technology

Leading the way in Solar Solutions for Homes & Businesses

Technology that helps the environment, like solar energy, generates clean power, reducing fossil fuel use and lowering carbon emissions for a sustainable future.

Transforming Solar Industry with Cutting Edge Technoligies

Technology that guarantees Energy Independence, Reduces Electricity Costs and helps fight Climate Change

img Harness the Power of Sun

Best-in-Class Solar Solutions - Build to last a Lifetime

EcoMatter is a leading renewable energy solutions provider that is revolutionising and redefining the way Solar Energy is harnessed. We offer tailored Solar Solutions, including solar power plants for tin sheds, concrete roofs, and ground-mounted installations. Our Solar Solutions maximises energy efficiency and cost savings for homeowners as well as businesses of all types such as factories, hospitals, hotels, shopping centres, Schools & colleges.

  • Experience & Reliability

  • Customer First Approach

  • Advanced Technology

  • Premium Yet Affordable



img Sustainable Energy Services

Produce your own Electricity - Save Energy Cost & Save Environment

On-Grid Solar

  • Connected to the Grid: These Solar Plants are connected to the grid allowing them to contribute excess electricity to the grid and draw power from it when needed.

  • Net Metering: Measures both the power consumed from the grid and the surplus electricity fed back into the grid. This enables users to offset their electricity bills with the excess energy they generate.


Off Grid Solar

Independence from Grid: Off-Grid Solar Plants are designed to meet the energy needs of a specific facility without relying on external power sources.

Energy Storage Solutions: Off-grid solar plants store excess energy generated during sunny periods. This stored energy can then be used at night when sunlight is not there. Suitable for: Places where there is no Grid reliability and power cuts are very frequent such as remote villages.


Hybrid Solar

Hybrid Solar Plants can operate in grid-tied mode, feeding excess energy back into the grid for later use, and in off-grid mode, providing power back up in times of Power Cuts.

Net Metering: Hybrid Solar Plants have net metering facility as in case of On-Grid Solar Plants Energy Storage: Hybrid Solar Plants store excess energy produced during sunny periods in batteries thus giving the benefits of Off-Grid Solar Plants.

imgsolar renewable energy solution
